CHS HotelHospitality Industry Challenges By Hotel Procurement Vendor

October 31, 2021by eric
Hospitality Industry Challenges Addressed by Procurement Vendor

Hospitality is the most versatile industry that has customer satisfaction at its heart. Even a single negative impression can spoil the brand value built over the years and bring down business drastically. So, it takes utmost care to achieve superior customer experiences. For this reason, they are particular about every product they use. But, to get things done hospitality industry mistakes the procurement process for purchase and goes for suppliers and is failing miserably. To successfully achieve the hospitality industry’s vision, the organizations should look for a procurement player. He plays an active and strategic role, then being a deploy and forget supplier.

Hospitality Industry Challenges Solved by the Hotel Procurement Partner

Keeping Track of Purchase Volumes

Usually, the hospitality industry has high purchase volumes. The purchase data is not captured effectively, and a lot of paperwork is involved. Often organizations do not have visibility into their procurement operations. The hospitality industry cannot afford to hire resources and invest in robust tools to record, report, and analyze procurement data. The entire process is a costly matter.


Choosing Products Specific to Business Culture

The hospitality industry may have different areas of businesses and services (like hotels, resorts, Motels, cruises, and so on). Choosing and procuring products specific to these business areas and their vision is challenging. Thus, it would be best if you had a lot of thought processes with the right mix of professionals. To procure the right products that fit into the hospitality area of business, hiring individuals is cost-ineffective. Here is where you need for strategic procurement partner. The procurement partner comes with experienced and skilled group designers to offer better solutions to the hospitality industry. Also, he works with architects and manufacturing facilities who offer state-of-art approaches to architect tailored solutions.


Expanding New Business Areas

Exploring other associated business areas is very common in the hospitality industry. For example, a hotel business may open a resort or some different chain of related companies. The hospitality industry faces every time the business demands some updates. One can’t run out to find a vendor for products and services every time. Also, they can not get quotations, inspect plants, assess the quality, etc. Another challenge here is procuring high volumes of products for better pricing on time with their dynamically changing procurement needs.


Maintenance Activities

Maintenance is a regular aspect of any industry. These can turn out to be very expensive if not properly handled. The same is with the hospitality industry too. Compared to the rest of the industries, customer satisfaction has a higher value in this industry. So, even a slight delay in this process will seriously affect the brand value and leads to customer dissatisfaction. It would not be cost-effective to hire someone every time a repair has to be done. Instead, getting the right procurement vendor would ensure product quality and ongoing maintenance. Therefore, the hospitality industry does not have to worry about hiring some technicians.


Lack of Support from Suppliers

Most suppliers operate with a formula: “Deploy and Forget.” Thus, they do not have a dedicated customer service team to offer continuous support. They fill the communication gaps right from order processing to support after deployment. This hospitality industry often gets to know the status of their order. Moreover, it gets a chance to get doubts cleared about the products after deployment. Whereas partnering with a procurement vendor can help the leaders track the product development status. It can help track deployment, after delivery support and ensure ongoing maintenance activities.





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Capital Hospitality Services, LLC has provided hotel owners, designers, architects, trust, REITS, and management companies with quality hotel renovations for over 37 years.

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